Obama's Globalism: We Are The World — David Limbaugh — GOPUSA

Posted by highlysuspect on September 29, 2009 in politics |

Polite conservatives grow nervous when their less inhibited brethren suggest that President Barack Obama does not feel warm and fuzzy when contemplating pre-Obama-inauguration America. But considering the mounting evidence, the burden of proof has certainly shifted to the polite group to demonstrate otherwise.

Obama should not get off the hook in just one short news cycle for the shots he took at this nation in his shameful first speech to the United Nations General Assembly.

In his opening salvo, he said, “For those who question the character and cause of my nation, I ask you to look at the concrete actions we have taken in just nine months.” Then he proceeded to tick off those “concrete actions,” such as prohibiting torture — as if to suggest that prior to his ascension, it had been official U.S. policy.

Note that he didn’t say, “For those who question America’s character, I cite to you our record of international philanthropy, benevolence, peacemaking and peacekeeping, liberating nations from brutal dictators, promoting democracy throughout the world, and leading the world in technological innovation and the very advancement of civilization.”

Instead, he made it clear that he shares the view of the world’s leftist critics that America has acted “unilaterally without regard for the interests of others,” “arrogant” and “sometimes dismissive.”

Obama’s Globalism: We Are The World — David Limbaugh — GOPUSA.


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