Limbaugh notes 9-29-09

Posted by highlysuspect on September 29, 2009 in politics |

On Today’s Show…

September 29, 2009

State-Run Media to President Obama: Get Off TV and Let Us Carry the Water
Obama’s media lackeys know that when he talks, his support falls. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen)
What President Limbaugh Would Do About Afghanistan
We win. They lose. This isn’t about politics. It’s about victory. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen)

El Rushbo Jogs Fifth of a Mile, Considers Judging Miss America Pageant
Should he take a week off to be a judge? Your opinion matters. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen)
“Here’s the first e-mail response to my request for input as to whether or not I should judge the Miss America Pageant next January: Come on, Rush! You’re not even qualified for this.  You’re not gay and you’re not irrelevant enough to be a judge at one of these things.'” -Rush

Let’s Hope Sarah Palin Sells Five Million Books! The left is telling us who they fear.
They’d love to have some moderate Republican running the party. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen)
Patrick Kennedy Warns of Potential Violence in the Health Care Debate
Opposing Obamacare is the equivalent of being Oswald, now.  (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen)

Khadafy Tells Larry King: I Share Obama Vision. He Should Be President for Life!
Liberals Obsessed with the Mr. Big of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy
Remember, Hillary coined that term to claim that it was some outside force making up stories
about her husband’s affair with “that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” Why remind us of that, Bill?
Rush’s Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page…
» Wow. The French (The French!) Have More Gonads Than Obama and Think He’s Weak
» Again: Consumer Confidence Drops “Unexpectedly” » Riot in Chicago, Site of the ’16 Olympics
» “Cap and Trade” is “Cap and Tax,” Kerry » Northeast May Experience Coldest Winter in Decade
» NYT Mourns Fall of Socialism in Europe » Hope & Change: Poor Hardest Hit in the Recession
» Andy Williams: Obama Wants the U.S. to Fail » Broder: Constitution as Impediment to Obama
» Earthquake Triggers Tsunami Warning for Hawaii » Book: 237 Reasons Why Women Have Sex
» Cuban: Neocons Block Lifting of Embargo » PPP: Obama Down to 51% Approval in Minnesota
All that and more when we update!

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