GOPUSA – The Loft

Posted by highlysuspect on October 1, 2009 in politics |

The debate continues on Capitol Hill as Barack Obama and the Democrats continue to force government control, higher taxes, and an unconstitutional health care system down our throats. Fortunately, for the American people, the plan runs so counter to the foundations of America and free enterprise, that its popularity continues to plummet.

But popularity aside, there is also the issue of whether Obama’s plan is even legal. In today’s times, the power of the federal government knows no bounds. Whether private companies are being taken over by the government or schools are using their platform to indoctrinate our children, the federal government has gone too far, and the American people are fighting back. It just shows how out of touch Obama and his socialist friends are that they never even saw it coming.

First… the latest on the state of the health care debate. A new Rasmussen Reports poll shows that Obama’s health care plan is now at its lowest level of support since the plan started being tracked. “Just 41% of voters nationwide now favor the health care reform proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. That’s down two points from a week ago.”

According to Rasmussen, 56% of respondents are opposed to the plan, with seniors leading the way:

Senior citizens are less supportive of the plan than younger voters. In the latest survey, just 33% of seniors favor the plan while 59% are opposed. The intensity gap among seniors is significant. Only 16% of the over-65 crowd Strongly Favors the legislation while 46% are Strongly Opposed.

GOPUSA – The Loft.


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