Limbaugh notes 10-5-09

Posted by highlysuspect on October 5, 2009 in politics |

On Today’s Show…

October 5, 2009

Overprotective Media Defends Obama From Olympic Criticism
Rodney Harrison said it’s time for Patriots QB Tom Brady to take off the skirt and take his hits like everyone else on the gridiron. How about the same for the President? (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen)
See, I Told You So Times Four! Everything Rush said about how the State-Controlled Media would report Obama’s failure came true. It’s Rush’s fault, actually — oh, and George Bush’s.

“Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm” Explained for Katty Kay, BBC
It’s not some subversive use of his middle name, Katty. It’s a reference to this indoctrination video!
» A Parody of the “Barack Hussein Obama. Mmm, mmm, mmm” Song: Rush Battle Hymn

General McChrystal vs. General Biden on Afghanistan
One’s a real general. The other is a general buffoon. Meanwhile, the House liberal
caucus votes to cut off funding for the troops in battle. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen)
» Meanwhile, Some Left-Wing Columnist Says This: What America Needs is a Good Enemy
Why We Can’t Abide Obama: Betty asks why Rush “hates” Obama. It’s not personal. It’s about defending the Constitution and safeguarding liberty from assaults disguised as health care.
» Greg Lewis in the American Thinker: Did We Elect a Beta Male As President?

“You can’t have it both ways. You can’t say nobody listens to me and then say that I’m poisoning politics! You can’t say, ‘Stop listening to Limbaugh,’ because nobody’s listening because I’m poisoning politics.  They’re all over the board. It’s the same thing, day in and day out.” -Rush 
Rush’s Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page…
» CBS Pulls Letterman’s Greatest Hour From YouTube » Peyser: Dump Depraved Dave Now
» AP: Will Women Turn From Letterman? » Obama Secretly Pushing the Public Option
» Rasmussen: People Don’t Want Obamacare » UK Paper: Democrat Judge Busted for Sex Abuse
» Recession Hurting College Grads the Most » Homeland Security to Hire 1,000 Obama Spies
» UAW Rallies Against UAW-Owned Chrysler » Memo to Brett Favre: Throw to the Purple Jerseys
All that and more when we update RushLimbaugh.com!

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