Raweditorial.com: The TV Show

Posted by highlysuspect on October 5, 2009 in politics |

Since the day I created raweditorial.com I have had greater aspirations for it. My original vision was to give Americans, all Americans, a place to air and discuss ( intelligently ) their thoughts on issues important to them. To an extent I have achieved that goal. Raweditorial has also become a forum for various causes such as ( but not limited to ) the rescue of Horses. I have also had bitter arguments with people who believe 9/11 was concocted by rogue elements of our Government. ( Yeah, there are people that actually believe that crap ). What is this leading too? Probably nothing. ( Its a slow day at work and there isn’t anything new on the political front.)

My dream is to take my website to the next level. I want my own TV show. Now, the proponents of ” fairness and balance ” don’t have to worry. I would have two panelists representing each side of the aisle, with yours truly as the moderator. ( That alone just sent the liberals into full blown panic mode ). The panelists would consist of Americans of my choosing; translation, NO FREAKING EXPERTS! There will be no Professor Emeritus from ( enter college or university name ) on the show trying to sell a book! Any jackass can do that. No politicians, no media experts, no celebrities talking about issues they know nothing about! Average Americans. Contributors to this site, friends on Facebook, co-workers, my college buddies, family, everyday people.

What I have not figured out yet is what exactly the forum would be. The website is called raweditorial for a reason. How it would translate to a television audience is the question. I’m a big fan of putting an issue on the table and letting people have at it; provided they stay within the boundaries of intelligence and good taste. What that means is, there will be no personal attacks on each other, the discussion ( or heated argument ) must stay focused on the issue. I could break the show into segments. For example, the beginning of the show would be the introduction of the panel and the presenting of the issues to be discussed. The second segment would be presenting a limited amount of viewer emails. Another segment could be the ” no holds barred segment ” which, might be renamed ” arguing with idiots “. ( Its called raweditorial for a reason ).
The last segment would be yours truly getting in the final word. Betcha didn’t see that coming!

Should anyone out there have any thoughts, comment  on here or on the various venues this will be posted on.  You may also call or visit me at work or home.  All thoughts and ideas are welcome.


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