Limbaugh notes 11-13-09

Posted by highlysuspect on November 13, 2009 in politics |

On Today’s Show…

November 13, 2009

Obama Puts USA on Trial in  Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Trial (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen)
“We’re turning 200 years on its head by treating terrorists like criminals and giving them constitutional rights.  We’re giving up the ability to interrogate and detain them, because from now on they’ll lawyer up. To say this ‘undermines our national security’ is to soft-pedal it.” -Rush
Mark Halperin Swerves Into Truth: Sarah Palin Has a Mountain of Support
» Tuesday, November 17: Gov. Sarah Palin will Join Rush at 1 PM ET on the Show

Obama Refuses to Defend U.S. Bombing Of Hiroshima, Nagasaki to End WWII
“Eric Holder said these terrorists will be tried by ‘a jury of their peers.’ These guys are not citizens! Who the hell are their peers? The only one I can think of is Chris Matthews.” -Rush

What “Public Option” Really Means: Lines and Rationed Health Care
Along with doctors who aren’t being paid enough to care about treating your illnesses.

The Commander-in-Chief is Still Dithering on Supporting Our Troops in Afghanistan
It’s no surprise, but what do you say to family members of our men in uniform?
Costa Rica: Stacy’s Health Insurance Company Makes Obamacare Plans
Look for medical tourism to increase, and for the best doctors to leave the country.
Obamacare Gets Listeners Fired Up Over Taxing Toothbrushes and Tampons
Health care is going to cost a lot more, as you pay more for anything related to it.
Rush’s Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page…
» Wow! NASA Finds Water on the Moon! » A Joke? Obama to be Deficit Hawk in State of Union
» A Macro: Consumer Confidence Falls “Unexpectedly” » Heritage: Obama, Andy Stern’s SEIU
» AT: What’s Wrong with Socialism? » George Brett Wants to Play Vince Flynn’s Mitch Rapp
» Hasan Called “Soldier of Allah” on Business Cards » Pew: “Anti-Incumbent” Sentiment Surges
» UK Considers Personal “Carbon Allowance” » The Fat Pregnant Banned from UK Hospitals
» NY-23: It’s Still a Long Shot, But Gap is Narrowing Between Bill Owens and Doug Hoffman
All that and more when we update!

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