GOPUSA – The Loft

Posted by highlysuspect on November 13, 2009 in politics |

When the Founding Fathers came together to craft the Constitution, they brought with them many ideas in which America would be set apart from other nations. First and foremost, the power would reside in the people and not an all powerful king or all powerful government.

The government was divided into three branches so that power could be shared. In addition, the Founding Fathers believed in the notion of a “citizen legislator.” The idea of a “career politician” was foreign to them. People were lawyers, or craftsmen, or farmers. They did not make a “living” from politics. As we have seen over the years, regardless of what party is in power… power corrupts. It’s time to get rid of the career politician and bring back the citizen legislator. And… there is only one way to do this: a constitutional amendment.

GOPUSA – The Loft.


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