Email from the MRC

Posted by highlysuspect on November 23, 2009 in politics |

From the Desk of:
David Martin, Executive Vice President


Send your e-mails to Brent, and then watch for an answer during our MRC Live event on December 2.


We’re about to make MRC broadcasting history, and we want you to play a key role!

At 12:00 pm ET on Wednesday, December 2, MRC founder Brent Bozell will host MRC Live – our first-ever live webcast – exclusively for MRC Action team members. Please save time on your calendar for this 20-30 minute live discussion!

Willard, Brent has been looking for ways to communicate “live” with you and the rest of the Action team. He’s thrilled about the opportunity to candidly talk with you about the Leftist media and the vital role of the MRC during this period in our nation’s history.

But just as importantly, Brent wants to hear your thoughts, concerns and ideas as an integral member of our team!

+ + Send Brent Your Questions Today

Brent would like you to e-mail him with questions and points of discussion now so that he may respond live during our inaugural MRC Live webcast on December 2.

Regardless if your questions focus on the liberal media’s radical agenda, the assault on our First Amendment rights, or the media’s role in the current health care, immigration or free speech debates, we want to hear what’s on your mind. Nothing is off-limits!

+ + Invite your Friends and Family

Willard, in addition to your participation in our live webcast, we’re hoping you’ll invite your friends and family so they, too, can become a part of MRC history!

We are looking forward to you joining Brent at 12:00pm ET on Wednesday, December 2, for our exclusive and first-ever MRC Live webcast event specifically for you and the rest of the MRC Action team.

All you need is a computer with Internet access. We’ll provide instructions as we get closer to the event.

Thanks again for being part of the MRC family.

David Martin

P.S. Take a moment right now to e-mail your questions to Brent, and then clear your schedule for our December 2 MRC Live event at 12:00 pm ET.

+ + Help the MRC maintain its frontline position in the battle to preserve Free Speech Rights and fight liberal media bias by making a tax-deductible gift today. Thank you, again, very much.


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