GOPUSA – The Loft

Posted by highlysuspect on November 24, 2009 in politics |

Unemployment is spreading like a virus across the country. The more Barack Obama and his team do to try to “fix” the problem, the more people lose jobs. And now we see that the American people are starting to wake up from their “hope and change” coma and are realizing that this is not the change they had hoped for.

Unemployment doesn’t simply cost jobs. It also makes it harder for businesses to hire in the future. As unemployment rises, so do the taxes levied on businesses in order for states to pay unemployment insurance. Couple this with the laundry list of taxes that Obama wants to impose on American families, and America is in deep trouble.

As noted in a report by the Associated Press, “As if small businesses needed another reason not to hire, consider their latest financial burden: The cost of rising unemployment itself.”

GOPUSA – The Loft.


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