The Obama 'Jobs Summit' Who In the White House Has Ever Created a Job? – HUMAN EVENTS

Posted by highlysuspect on December 6, 2009 in politics |

Tomorrow, the Obama Administration will hold its much-hyped “jobs summit” in Washington, D.C. Plenty of politicians will be there, as well as labor bosses and academics. No doubt, some business representatives have been recruited to attend as well.

Today, in contrast, a very different group of Americans will kick off a series of “Real Jobs Summits” in Cincinnati. Tomorrow, we will be in Jackson, Mississippi.

Instead of politicians who talk deceptively of “saving or creating” jobs, we will have entrepreneurs who have actually created jobs. Instead of so-called “experts” who offer theories, we will have small business people who know the reality of joblessness in America today.

The Obama ‘Jobs Summit’ Who In the White House Has Ever Created a Job? – HUMAN EVENTS.


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