'Hope and Change' Through Lies — Christopher G. Adamo — GOPUSA

Posted by highlysuspect on December 6, 2009 in politics |

Outrage over the suppressed data refuting “global warming” at the East Anglia Institute in England, now spans the world. Though as a result of a liberal media “blackout,” news of the event currently remains primarily confined among the intellectually honest participants in the climate debate. Nevertheless, with each passing day, ever increasing numbers of common citizens are realizing that every aspect of their lives, from the nature of the vehicles they own to the type of lighting that will be “allowed” them by their beneficent government, is being dictated by a hoax bearing no more substance than the “Bermuda Triangle.”

Yet the global warming hucksters continue, as if the cooked and contrived data records and suppression of inconvenient facts debunking the motion of rising global temperatures were never uncovered. These eco-alarmists are compelled to do so. They have too much invested in this fraud, and it has been far too lucrative for them in the past to simply abandon it merely because it has been wholly discredited. But their seemingly confident public front belies an undercurrent of panic and desperation. Keep a straight face, continue demanding “funds” for further research and advocacy, and hope for a perpetuation of the revolving door of government monies and increased political power to continue business as usual.

Barack Obama is attending the Copenhagen climate summit on that very premise. Were he actually concerned with the best interests of this country, he would immediately empanel an investigative team to determine the truth of “climate change.” But in light of the recently publicized evidence, such a course would certainly find “global warming” to be a myth, and thus would dispel the incentives for bigger and more powerful governments to invade and manage every detail of the lives of their citizenry. And such a world, in which the state acquires unbridled power, has emerged as the true Obama agenda.

‘Hope and Change’ Through Lies — Christopher G. Adamo — GOPUSA.


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