Email from the MRC

Posted by highlysuspect on December 6, 2009 in politics |

From the Desk of:
Brent Bozell, Founder and President


Click here to take immediate action and read the truth you aren’t being told about the breaking ClimateGate scandal.


Today is Day 13 of the great Network ClimateGate “freeze-out”, and with each passing day it becomes more damning to journalists and journalism around the world.

This is the greatest scandal in the history of modern science, and the left-wing media continue to ignore it!

Click here to see the statement I issued on this.

If the media’s dishonesty hasn’t already been proven by past lies, distortions and omissions, the ClimateGate cover-up leaves no question.

But unless grassroots Americans overwhelm the so-called “news” media with demands for the truth, they will continue trying to hide this scandalous story from the American people.

Willard, we created the MRC Action team for times like this, when only grassroots outrage can stimulate the left-wing media to do their jobs responsibly. Make no mistake – they will not cover this story unless we force them to, because it doesn’t square with their leftist agenda.

That’s why I’m asking you to take immediate action.

Click here and take fast action with me. Join with thousands of MRC Action team members by emailing and calling ABC, NBC and CBS executives, demanding full and complete coverage of the ClimateGate scandal!

We want to flood the networks with a non-stop barrage of emails and phone calls until they cover this story!

After taking action, forward this message to 25-30 friends urging them to follow your lead.

Again, this is a huge scandal that is being completely ignored by the so-called “news” media. This cannot be tolerated. We deserve and demand the truth!

Thank you for your outstanding support of the MRC.

Brent Bozell


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