Our Commander in Chief's Christmas Crisis – HUMAN EVENTS

Posted by highlysuspect on December 6, 2009 in politics |

Alas, after nearly three months of military deliberations, our commander in chief finally is coming out of the closet with his Afghan strategy. But is his plan based more upon politics than it is upon national security?

A big question that keeps coming to our minds is: How is it that President Barack Obama fast-tracks borrowing, bailouts and Obamacare but is slower than molasses when it comes to decisions regarding the military — especially this one, seeing as he basically is returning to Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s 3-month-old solution?

Some answer that military decisions are more complicated — more life and death at stake — and warrant the delay. But I genuinely believe Obama’s nearly three-month delay reflects both his leadership deficiencies and a quandary that he cannot appease the left and simultaneously fulfill his campaign promise that he would “make the fight against al-Qaida and the Taliban the top priority that it should be.”

Our Commander in Chief’s Christmas Crisis – HUMAN EVENTS.


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