Email from the MRC

Posted by highlysuspect on December 13, 2010 in politics |

From the Desk of:
David Martin, Executive Vice President


The new liberal assault on free speech is underway!


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is moving rapidly to censor conservative speech while expanding their reach and control over the news media in America.

In a speech in New York last Thursday, FCC commissioner Michael Copps, lamented that American journalism is in “grave peril”, and the federal government needs to become more involved to bolster “traditional media.”

Commissioner Copps then laid out a set of proposed changes to the station relicensing process that would take broadcast content out of the hands of the American People and put it in the hands of government bureaucrats!

This plan would require that all stations pass a “Public Value Test” if they want to continue to broadcast. Rather than ratings and the free market determining that “Public Value,” it will be left to the central planners at the FCC in Washington, DC! was on top of this story as soon as it happened. Click here for the full report.
+ + Howard Dean lets slip what he thinks of American Citizens

In another sign that momentum is building on the Left to silence conservatives, during a recent interview, Howard Dean called for a return of the so-called “Fairness” Doctrine. He feels that this is necessary to silence the Fox News Channel, which he believes, “just makes stuff up and is a propaganda outlet.”

Much like the FCC plan discussed above, a return to the Fairness Doctrine would result in Washington liberals deciding what is appropriate political speech. Though Mr. Dean’s goal is clearly to silence conservatives, he claims that this is a necessary move to protect us clueless Americans:

“Americans don’t know what’s going on and therefore the media can have their way with them intellectually.” -Fmr. DNC Chair Howard Dean

Listen to his remarks and take a stand against Howard Dean and for the First Amendment here!

Willard, after their stern rebuke by the voter’s last month, the Left has turned their attention to implementing their agenda via the unelected, unaccountable FCC.

The Media Research Center founder, Brent Bozell has long held that, “Without the free exchange of ideas, there cannot be a democracy.” That Howard Dean and his liberal friends seek to anoint themselves as arbiters of what ideas may be freely exchanged, is a terrifying development!

We need your help.

We’re working with conservative groups nationwide to quickly mount a monumental counterforce of at least 500,000 citizens to rally against these and other threats to the First Amendment. Please stand with us to challenge these latest politically motivated acts of censorship.

After signing, forward this message to your conservative friends and family. Urge them to read our article to better understand this unfolding threat. Let them know that each additional signer will help us to put these leftists on notice that we will not allow this unprecedented power grab.

We appreciate your continued support of MRC initiatives on this critical issue,


P.S. Again, forward this message to your conservative friends urging them to take a stand with you by signing our “Free Speech Alliance” petition.


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