Kristof: Low-Income Americans Are Like Cocaine-Snorting Monkeys

Posted by highlysuspect on January 4, 2011 in politics |

Most people don’t stay up nights seething over the fact that some people are wealthier than they are. Good thing Times columnist Nicholas Kristof is there to bleed on their behalf.

The issue of income inequality in America reliably sends Kristof off the deep end. The latest demonstration in his Sunday column on the soul-killing “polarizing inequality” of today’s United States: “Equality, a True Soul Food.”

Kristof is serious about the soul-killing part, as it leads to heart disease, obesity, and most grievously, cocaine use by frustrated monkeys, reminding Times Watch of a 2003 Times editorial writer’s foray into monkey socialism (last item).

via Kristof: Low-Income Americans Are Like Cocaine-Snorting Monkeys.


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