Email from " Patriot Action Network "

Posted by highlysuspect on January 6, 2011 in politics |

A message to all members of Patriot Action Network

Grassfire Nation Update

Dear Patriot,

As of this writing, Grassfire Nation has delivered more than
180,000 CITIZEN MANDATES to the new House leaders Rep. John
Boehner and Rep. Eric Cantor.

The impact on these representatives was monumental!

After receiving the Mandates Rep. Boehner sent us a follow-up
letter citing the effect this type of citizen action has
on the decisions of Congress, and the importance of hearing
from their constituents.

Click here to read John Boehner’s letter:

+ + Sending Citizen Mandates to the entire Senate and House

Patriot, sending our Mandates and findings to the new House
leadership was just the start…

Tomorrow the 112th Congress will be sworn in – but will your
lawmakers know where you stand on the key issues of the day?

Too much is at stake and conservatives are up against too
much to leave that to chance. That’s precisely why Grassfire
Nation launched our CITIZEN MANDATE initiative giving
Americans from coast-to-coast a unique opportunity to
communicate their heart DIRECTLY TO THEIR LAWMAKERS!

That means with a simple click we will deliver YOUR CITIZEN
MANDATE directly to your Senators, and
Representative — letting each know exactly what you
believe are the important issues that need to be addressed
as they are setting their agenda for the year!

Click here right now to fill-out and schedule your CITIZEN
MANDATE for immediate delivery beginning on January 17:

We cannot allow members of the new Congress to forget — even
for a moment why they got elected, and who put them there.

That’s why these CITIZEN MANDATES are so important, and why
we are asking all members of our team to take a few minutes
to communicate how you feel about today’s top issues, from
the repealing of ObamaCare to controlling federal spending,
takeovers, taxes and more.

Through this next delivery to Capitol Hill Grassfire Nation
is putting the collective eyes of our million-plus strong team
on EVERY member in Congress. We want them to feel that
pressure. We want them knowing that we are watching their
every move! We want them to know that we are their conscience!

Click here now to complete your CITIZEN MANDATE for delivery
beginning January 17:

Even if you already filled out and sent a CITIZEN MANDATE
to the new House leaders, we need you to communicate your
feelings to your two Senators and Representative.

After completing your CITIZEN MANDATE, please forward this
alert to 20-30 conservative friends and family members.
Encourage them to first read Rep. Boehner’s response to
our initial CITIZEN MANDATES, and then urge them to fill-out
their own for delivery to their lawmakers by clicking below:

Click here to read Rep. Boehner’s response and to fill-out
your CITIZEN MANDATE to your lawmakers:

As always, thank you for taking action with Grassfire Nation and

Patriot Action Network!

Grassfire Nation

Patriot Action Network

P.S. Again, after filling out your CITIZEN MANDATE, forward
this alert to your conservative friends and family urging
them to take similar action by clicking on the link below:

Check Out Our

Watchmen Groups

Have You Registered

Your Tea Party Group?

Check Out the Tea Party Goals on our Front Page Now!

Click Here:

Check Out this discussion and important information:

The National Education Association Agenda

-Do you really want your kids exposed to this?

Weigh in and let us hear from you on this critical issue!

Thank You Patriots! Keep alert, engaged, and pay it forward!

Darla Dawald,

National Director

My Page at PANetwork

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